Celestial Protocols

Fulfillment Policy

Welcome to Nebula Department! As we embark on this cosmic journey together, we want to ensure that your experience with our digital marketing services is stellar. This fulfillment policy outlines the terms and conditions related to the delivery of our services and our intergalactic refund policy.

Service Delivery

Upon launching our mission, we will provide a detailed timeline that charts the course of your project, from the initial consultation to the final frontier. Our dedicated crew is committed to meeting all agreed-upon deadlines and will ensure you are kept informed of our progress across the cosmos. Should we encounter any space turbulence or unforeseen cosmic events, we will communicate these promptly and work to resolve any issues at warp speed.

All deliverables, including reports, campaign metrics, and other project materials, will be transmitted through the agreed-upon channels, whether it be email, project management tools, or other specified platforms. We aim to ensure that all deliverables meet the quality standards outlined in our mission briefing.

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel a project, please notify us as soon as possible. Cancellations requested before the project work has commenced will receive a full refund. If the cancellation is requested after work has begun, you will be responsible for paying for the work completed up to the point of cancellation. The remaining balance, if any, will be refunded.

Refund Policy

At Nebula Department, we are dedicated to delivering stellar results and ensuring your satisfaction with our services. If you find that our services do not meet your expectations, please contact us within 30 days of the project's completion. Refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed. The following conditions apply to our refund policy:

Our goal is to address any concerns you may have and to work with you to achieve the desired outcomes. We encourage open communication throughout the project to ensure your expectations are met.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our fulfillment policy, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your feedback is essential to our mission, and we are here to assist you with any issues you may encounter. You can reach us at sean@nebuladept.com and we will respond to your inquiries at light speed.